Protect your Bitcoin
with an alphabetical seed phrase

One-minute video
(no sound for your privacy)

It's anonymous. You don't need to share your email address.

Anonymously donate some SATS to support BinkBonkBank.

What's the point of writing your seed phrase alphabetically?

  • No need to keep your real seed phrase at home (really bad practice)

  • Safely carry it with you anywhere (even across borders)

  • Give it to your heirs now (the order can be provided in your will)

  • No need to memorise the words (our memory freezes up if stressed)

  • It would take a million years to crack (but you can reshuffle in minutes)

  • Safe from threats and intimidation (the $5 wrench attack)

This T-shirt displays a real seed phrase for a Bitcoin wallet containing 1M sats.

Your seed phrase IS your wallet

A common misunderstanding is that your seed phrase is like a password.It is a magic spell.
Write the words in the correct order, and the funds are yours.
Anyone who knows the words also has complete control.
Our FREE ANONYMOUS COURSE below will show you how to keep your Bitcoin safer by storing it alphabetically
and how to easily restore the correct order.

Everyone tells you to write your seed phrase down safely, but nobody shows you how.We have fixed that.Protecting your seed phrase is a must.Storing it online might sound convenient, but that isn't safe.
Anyone can access your funds if they get their hands on your seed phrase.
Are you writing down your seed phrase and keeping it with you or in the office?Not exactly secure either.It's essential to keep this precious information out of reach
so your money stays 100% yours!
Give yourself the BinkBonkBank edge.
By writing your seed phrase in alphabetical order, a computer can't crack it.
It's amazing how human intelligence can outsmart technology!Our FREE ANONYMOUS COURSE below will show you how to recall the correct order.
Anyone can learn this in a few minutes.
Naturally, you must still write your seed phrase down
in the correct order
and store it in a safe place.
But now you also have instant and safe access to your seed phrase.

Anonymously donate some SATS to support BinkBonkBank.

The Free Anonymous Course

Your seed phrase IS your wallet

Welcome!By the end of this course
you will be able to write down your seed phrase
safely and securely.
The ChallengeIf you memorize your seed phrase,
don't write it down and then forget it,
then it's gone forever.
If you do write it down, and someone finds it
they can recreate your wallet,
and drain your funds in an instant.
That's why we are going to show you
how to write your seed phrase alphabetically
AND then you only need to memorize the sequence.

When you complete the course
we will reveal a 24-word seed phrase
to a genuine wallet containing coins.The words are listed alphabetically.
If you can shuffle them into the correct order,
you can download the funds to your own wallet!
That's how confident we are!

Anonymously donate some SATS to support BinkBonkBank.

Let's get started

Lesson 1 - Test Seed Phrase

We have broken this course up into four lessons,
so you can take breaks and pick up where you left off.
In this lesson we will illustrate how it works with a made-up seed phrase.
Here it is.The first word is Curtain.
The last word in position 24 is Kitten.

1. Curtain
2. Agent
3. Jaguar
4. Lawn
5. Vacuum
6. Beach
7. Race
8. Zebra
9. Question
10. Jealous
11. Cycle
12. Habit
13. Sail
14. Panda
15. Icon
16. Faculty
17. Infant
18. Digital
19. Taste
20. Oblige
21. Glide
22. Yellow
23. Quick
24. Kitten

Let's add some images to the words
to make them more memorable.

1. Curtain

2. Agent

3. Jaguar

4. Lawn

5. Vacuum

6. Beach

7. Race

8. Zebra

9. Question

10. Jealous

11. Cycle

12. Habit

13. Sail

14. Panda

15. Icon

16. Faculty

17. Infant

18. Digital

19. Taste

20. Oblige

21. Glide

22. Yellow

23. Quick

24. Kitten

Time to take a break?

Just familiarize yourself with the list.
There is no need to memorize it.
By coincidence, one or more of these words might be in your seed phrase.
That's because they were chosen randomly from the BIP list of 2,048 words.
For most people, your seed phrase is a list of English words.
If you are reading a web page translation, the correct words are embedded in the images.

Anonymously donate some SATS to support BinkBonkBank.

Lesson 2 - Alphabetical

In this lesson we show you what happens when you change the order.

Alphabetical Order

If we reorder the seed phrase alphabetically
then we know exactly how each word is written.
Nobody else will know the correct sequence.You will see the word Curtain now appears in the third position
after Agent and Beach.
Zebra which is normally in the 8th spot has moved to the end in position 24.
Kitten, which is really the last word, has moved to 13th place after Jealous.

1. Agent
2. Beach
3. Curtain
4. Cycle
5. Digital
6. Faculty
7. Glide
8. Habit
9. Icon
10. Infant
11. Jaguar
12. Jealous
13. Kitten
14. Lawn
15. Oblige
16. Panda
17. Question
18. Quick
19. Race
20. Sail
21. Taste
22. Vacuum
23. Yellow
24. Zebra

How safe is this?

If someone finds my alphabetical list
couldn’t they just use a computer
until they found the right sequence?

How many attempts would they need to make?If your seed phrase were only one word long then
naturally there is only one possibility.
If it was two words long then there are two possibilities.
A followed by B, or B followed A.
Add a third word and there are now six possible combinations:1-2-3
2-1-32-3-13-1-23-2-1The more numbers, the more combinations.

We asked one of the world's top security experts
about cracking a 24-word seed phrase.
They said that perhaps a few governments have the technology to crack it.
They would have had to build a special chip just for that purpose.
Nobody knows for sure.
So...possibly, but unlikely.You shouldn't believe an expert.
That's why we wrote this medium article where you can check for yourself.
All you need is a smartphone.
Ask yourself,
‘Am I more likely to forget or lose my seed phrase
than have it stolen by a highly sophisticated government agency?'

Now you know that storing your seed phrase alphabetically makes it virtually impossible for anyone who finds that list to get your seed phrase.How do you restore the correct sequence from the alphabetical list?
Find out in the next lesson.

Anonymously donate some SATS to support BinkBonkBank.

Lesson Three - Restore the sequence

Let’s use your home.

We use your home because it is very familiar and well-known to you.
You can walk around your home physically and also in your imagination.
That is why the ideal place is your home.
As long as it is somewhere that you can walk around in your head, then it is okay.
It could be a childhood home, your workplace, the gym.
But the simplest for most of us is your current home
because it is both physical
and you can also imagine it.
In the following exercise, we will store our test seed phrase
in an imaginary home so you get the idea.
The imaginary home looks like this:

When you walk through this home from Main Streetthe first room you come to on the right from the Hall is
the Guest bedroom (1),
followed by the Kitchen (2),
Main Bedroom (3),
Dining Room (4),
Bathroom (5),
and Office (6).

Now imagine you go into the Guest Bedroom.

Imagine that you face toward the Main Street.
In the example your first pretend seed phrase word
in the correct order isCURTAIN.Now think about how you might memorize this word
in your Guest Bedroom
facing towards the Main Street.
Perhaps you imagine the curtains like in a movie theatre.
That's unexpected, and unusual.
Strange images are far more easy to recall.

Turn 1. You now turn right - clockwise - a quarter turn to face the next wall.
In our example you imagine that you are looking towards the Hall.
You repeat the exercise for your second word - AGENT

Now you would place that word AGENT somewhere on the wall.
How would you do that? Use your imagination.
Perhaps there is a photo of a man on the wall.
You use a play on words. AGENT becomes 'A gent'
(gent being short for a gentleman in English).Remember you won't have to memorize the words themselves- only the correct order.
So although you made an association with A GENTleman it will be close enough.
And just so you know, only the first four letters of the words actually matter.

Turn 2. You imagine that you do another quarter turn right.
Now you are facing away from the Main Street.
You place the third word here - JAGUAR.
One way to make an association is toimagine the word JAGUAR as graffiti on the wall.

Turn 3. Finally, in your mind's eye you would turn one more time.
You are now facing away from the corridor.
No window to look out of? No problem.
You might imagine a lawn on the wall itself.

Don't be afraid to use bizarre images.
The weirder the better.

When you do this exercise with your actual seed phraseyou will have memorised the correct position of the first four words.

There is no need to actually memorize these test words.We are just doing this to illustrate the process.
When you do this with your real seed phrase
you will have the list of words in your hand.
In your second room you would remember the position of the words 5-8. VACUUM, BEACH, RACE, and ZEBRA.You would then repeat this until you have placed all of your wordsin the six rooms.Using the test seed phrase
in your imaginary home the result would look like this:

TipsWhen it comes to creating your own sequence in your home
it’s essential that you always use the same room order,
and that you can easily walk it in your mind.
In our example from the Hallwe started in the Guest Bedroom,
then walked into the Kitchen.
We could just as easily have started in the Office
and moved to the Bathroom.The point is to move in a logical order.In your real home make sure you walk in a natural sequence.
If the first room you enter is the Living Room, and the next is the Dining Room, that would be the obvious way to walk through your home.
It is also essential you always face the same direction
and turn to your right (clockwise).
This is to ensure that you move through each room in a consistent way.If you don't have six rooms in your home you could place a word on the ceiling, and the floor. That way a house with four rooms is sufficient.

Well done!
Now you have understood how to place the 24 words in rooms
in an imaginary home.
Now let's do this with your actual seed phrase.
Find out how in the next lesson.

Anonymously donate some SATS to support BinkBonkBank.

Lesson Four - Putting it all together

You have practiced with a test seed phrase in an imaginary home.
Now it's time to do your real seed phrase in your own home

Step One

Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle.
On the left hand side write the numbers 1 - 24
and the letters A-X on the right.

Step Two

In the Left Column write your real seed phrase in the correct sequenceagainst the numbers 1-24.
In the Right Column re-write your real seed phrase alphabetically
against the letters A-X.
The image below uses the test seed phrase.

Step Three

Decide on the route you will take through your home.
Do you have at least six rooms?
If so, you can place four words in each room.
If not, add the ceiling, and the floor so you place six words in each room.
Which room will you start in?
Which room will you end in?
Which direction will you always start in?
For example, you could always start facing the Street.

Step Four

Holding your list in your hand, displaying the correct order:
Physically stand in your first room facing the correct direction.
Associate your first word with the first wall.

Step Five

Turn right a quarter turn, to face the next wall.
Place your second word on this wall.

Step Six

Turn right a quarter turn, to face the next wall.
Place your third word on this wall.

Step Seven

Turn right a quarter turn, to face the last wall.
Place your fourth word on this wall.


If you don't have six rooms in your home,
place the fifth word on the ceiling,
and the sixth word on the floor.

Step Eight

Now go into your second room, and continue on
until you have placed all 24 words in your home.
Now you have memorized your seed phrase sequence in the correct order.

Practicing Seed Phrase Recovery

Fold the seed phrase list vertically.
Now on one side, your list is in the correct order,
and on the other side, it is in alphabetical order.
Look at the Alphabetical List.
Take the first word.

Which room is it in?
What direction are you facing?
What position number should it be in?
Check if you are right by turning the paper over
to reveal the correct number.
Keep practicing until you are 100% confident.

Reminder: Adding Graffiti

Here is a way to make the associations even strongerThis works well with abstract words that are harder to recall.On each wall take an imaginary can of spray paintand write the word from your seed phrase.

Wall Links

Link words which share a common wall.In our imaginary home, the Guest Bedroom is next to the Kitchen
so we can link the two words.
Use your imagination.

DirectionPractice words where you are facing the same direction in each room.In our imaginary home the following words all face the Main Street:CURTAIN

Daily Refresherpractice when you wake upEvery day when you wake up,
take an imaginary walk through your home.
Practice your list. It will only take a few moments.Do the same exercise, last thing at night.Once you are confident you might choose to keep only your alphabetical seed phrase with you. This should not be stored online.
Everyone is different. So, HOW you do this is your decision, and yours alone.
You may decide to store your seed phrase in the correct order
in a safety deposit box,
and keep your alphabetical list in a safe place at home.
That way if you ever need to recover your seed phrase you don't need to go to your safety deposit box.

Well done!
Now you have completed this course. You can write down your seed phrase in alphabetical order so that even if it is discovered it is meaningless.
You can even get it printed on a metal plate if you want.

Anonymously donate some SATS to support BinkBonkBank.


I have more than one wallet

This course is designed for the majority of people with one or two wallets.
You might have one for most of your Bitcoin in a cold wallet,
and the other hot wallet online for small transfers.
It's like how you may have a bank account, and a purse.
You keep most of your money safe in the bank
and transfer small amounts to your purse for shopping.If you have two wallets then you will have two seed phrases.When you do your associations here are a couple of options:walk through your home one way for your main cold wallet,
and the other direction for your hot wallet.
- or if that is confusing -choose two locations - your home for your cold walletand (for example) your workplace for your hot wallet.

I have other cryptocurrency -
not just Bitcoin

We only mention Bitcoin because we think it is the only one that matters.
However, most cold wallets can handle multiple cryptocurrencies.

Are there other ways?

Another solution you might try if this doesn't work for you is borderwallets.

I have another question.
How can I get help?



Can you crack this wallet?
Here is the genuine 24-word seed phrase for a Bitcoin wallet
containing 1m SATS.
If you want to check the wallet is authentic,
here is the public address information.

Public Wallet

Notice that the words are
listed in alphabetical order.
Be the first person to reshuffle them into the correct order.
Then the funds are yours.There is one teeny tiny problem. It's impossible!
WHY? Because the total possible combinations are (23 !) * 8. That is a number so big that no computer can test all the combinations in your lifetime.
We checked with five experts who all independently confirmed it.
But don't take our word for it.
Get your calculator out and check the proof at in Math we Trust.
Or just crack the wallet if you can.

This expert cracked a 12-word seed phrase easily. But even they agree there is no chance with a 24-word seed phrase.

Anonymously donate some SATS to support BinkBonkBank.

The best of the best resources that explain the essence of Bitcoin in simple language.


Other scribbles about Bitcoin,
You won't find tedious price predictions, or investment advice.
They are usually wrong and always self-serving.

Own Bitcoin? Then do the FREE ANONYMOUS COURSE above to keep it safer.
The course is a free resource to make the Bitcoin network safer, so join now.

Do you support self-custody?

It is estimated that 4 Million Bitcoin have been lost.
In 2022 alone Business Insider estimates that more than half a billion dollars worth of Bitcoin was lost.
Contact us at to arrange to partner with us, or link to our website.
Here are three good reasons to do so:

  • Educating your customers on best practices is the right thing to do.

  • If your customer loses their funds because they lose their seed phrase - guess who they will blame? YOU.

  • The safer it is to self-custody, the more people will adopt Bitcoin. That goes straight to your bottom line.

Next step. Do the FREE ANONYMOUS COURSE yourself.
The course is a free resource to make the Bitcoin network safer, so do it now and then contact us to see how you can help.

Anonymously donate some SATS to support BinkBonkBank.

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We collect the bare minimum.Partnerships
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They will use their cookies on the website and email you for your opinion.
We also use Google Analytics to see how we are

Own Bitcoin? Then do the FREE ANONYMOUS COURSE to keep it safer.
The course is a free resource to make the Bitcoin network safer, so join now.